Az eredményhozatalban közreműködött - a helyi lovakat bírálta : Dacii
Ezúton is nagyon köszönjük a segítséget!
~ Andalúz
1. hely - Secret Shadow, Marble Pyramid, Prisonero, Salinero, Salvino, Cloud, Francisco, Charmeuse, Rayo de Humeante, Solfeggietto, Doubloon, Supermassive Light, El Hierro, El Dorado, Sol Adoro, Faberge MVL, Tendence Mazohiste, Guapo del Sol, Pyramiden Del Moral, Druid's Ember
2. hely - Paraterm VIII., Tauron, Cazurro II, Purity Gold, Emazing, Quinto X, Claruso, Sand'Xavier Boy, Nightmare 87, Rubico Prime, Daedalos, Sand' Altivo Boy, Devoro los Pyramid, Carvalho de Italiano, Sol Aulendil, Xicot II, Pippin, Apophis XIV., Elysian, Kodaline
3. hely - Fantom de Diamant, Argentino VIII., Poco Blanco, Forever Ever, Chez Republic, Conquistador, Francesca El Fugo, San Hosé, Impacto, Supermassive Argent, Desert Rain, Fall of Bruttium, Sevill los Pyramid, Mouth of Sauron, Belfegor, Odin's Raven, Zamarno, Syzygy, Calabria Quinn, Mahogany
~ Barokk pinto
1. hely - PN Willem van R., Eric van Roarland, Altivo El Ray, Black Affair van R.
2. hely - Alcatraz, Prayer van R., Schwarz von Nassau, Calypso
3. hely - Platino II., Affair van R., Darius
~ Fríz
1. hely - GW Blacky Bon Jovi, Rembrandt 771, Vittorio, Blacky 'Cappella, Inner Chains 341, Floris, Xander fon Dant
2. hely - Rosary T., PN Mansion T. 749, Titan, Beware of Me, Kiss from a Rose 341, Black Ruby, Atravan 854
3. hely - Biosynthesis, Sjoerd, Last Dream of the Storm, Defender of Valhalla T., Black Tys'son, Avalon
~ Knapstrupper
1. hely - Miss Prada, Irish Coco White, Mystique B
2. hely - Admira, Kit Kat's Chat
3. hely - Magic Fairy, Funkytown
~ Lipicai
1. hely - Maestoso Góliát, Maestoso Alfaya, Maestoso Madame
2. hely - Conversano Admirális, Maestoso Titán, Incitato Curioso
3. hely - Favory Mufurc, Neapolitano Bomba, Tulipan XVI. Zintos
~ Lusitano
1. hely - Magnum, Destinado, Luciero, Exodus, Astucia de la Paz, Girassol DR, Oleander
2. hely - Bergamoth D'ior, El Sueno, Deserto El Lirio, Fuego del Desierto, Nautilus KTR, Osmunda
3. hely - Indio, Farina el Deserto, Gurubashi Berserker, Falcao, Hairy Dáma, Ecuador
~ Mangalarga
1. hely - Special Identity, Goiana
2. hely - Cosmopolitan, Emocao
3. hely - Special Chance
~ Columbian Trote y Galope, Gelderlandi, Kladruber, Paso Fino, Warlander
1. hely - Nightwish, Balenciaga
2. hely - Coquistador de Manzanares, Saturno 341
3. hely - Bolero, Samsara
1. hely - Paraterm VIII., Rosary T., Biosynthesis, Marble Pyramid, Cazurro II, Prisonero, Platino II., Emazing, Conquistador, Coquistador de Manzanares, Claruso, Funkytown, Sand'Xavier Boy, San Hosé, Saturno 341, Nightmare 87, Gurubashi Berserker, Sand' Altivo Boy, Supermassive Light, Devoro los Pyramid, Fall of Bruttium, Sol Aulendil, Falcao, Astucia de la Paz, Affair van R., Altivo El Ray, Favory Mufurc, Incitato Curioso, Inner Chains 341, Odin's Raven, Black Ruby, Darius, Handsome Devil, Apophis XIV., Osmunda, Elysian, Samsara
2. hely - Bergamoth D'ior, Fantom de Diamant, Alcatraz, GW Blacky Bon Jovi, Miss Prada, Destinado, Francisco, Chez Republic, Bolero, Farina el Deserto, Francesca El Fugo, Sjoerd, Deserto El Lirio, Charmeuse, Rayo de Humeante, Doubloon, Supermassive Argent, Last Dream of the Storm, Sevill los Pyramid, El Dorado, Mouth of Sauron, Belfegor, Exodus, Hairy Dáma, Kiss from a Rose 341, Schwarz von Nassau, Neapolitano Bomba, Tulipan XVI. Zintos, Black Tys'son, Zamarno, Tendence Mazohiste, Avalon, Ecuador, Syzygy, Calabria Quinn, Atravan 854, Druid's Ember
3. hely - Secret Shadow, Magnum, Argentino VIII., PN Mansion T. 749, Salinero, Poco Blanco, Indio, Rembrandt 771, Quinto X, Admira, Irish Coco White, Mystique B, Titan, Kit Kat's Chat, Solfeggietto, Vittorio, Daedalos, Fuego del Desierto, Beware of Me, El Hierro, Carvalho de Italiano, Sol Adoro, Blacky 'Cappella, Eric van Roarland, Maestoso Alfaya, Maestoso Madame, Special Identity, Faberge MVL, Xicot II, Girassol DR, Pippin, Floris, Guapo del Sol, Oleander, Xander fon Dant, Balenciaga
1. hely - Argentino VIII., Magic Fairy, Mouth of Sauron, Calabria Quinn, Atravan 854
2. hely - Indio, Irish Coco White, Favory Mufurc, Floris, Samsara
3. hely - Destinado, Farina el Deserto, Inner Chains 341, Calypso
1. hely - Supermassive Argent, Kodaline
2. hely - Daedalos, Balenciaga
3. hely - Xander fon Dant
1. hely - GW Blacky Bon Jovi, Indio, Francesca El Fugo, Black Tys'son
2. hely - Marble Pyramid, Inner Chains 341, Odin's Raven, Calypso
3. hely - Destinado, Supermassive Light, Floris
1. hely - Saturno 341, Solfeggietto, Daedalos, Last Dream of the Storm, Carvalho de Italiano
2. hely - GW Blacky Bon Jovi, Funkytown, Supermassive Argent, Falcao, Atravan 854
3. hely - Titan, Rayo de Humeante, Gurubashi Berserker, Floris, Kodaline
1. hely - PN Mansion T. 749, Inner Chains 341
2. hely - Vittorio, Kiss from a Rose 341
3. hely - Sjoerd
1. hely - Rayo de Humeante, Calypso
2. hely - Special Chance, Inner Chains 341
3. hely - Nightwish, Mouth of Sauron
Abszolút győztes
+ 1. helyezett nyereménye
1. hely
- 50 000 lbp
2. hely
- 15 000 lbp
3. hely
- 5 000 lbp