Black Pegazus Magánistálló és Versenypark


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Design : Juditocska & Sam and Aemy Design

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All rights reserved!

Juditocska - 2016-2022

Indulás: 2008-10-02
A design a Sam and Aemy Design munkája!
What is Your Colour? Appearance Eredmények
Az eredményhozatalban közreműködött - a helyi lovakat bírálta : Dacii
Ezúton is nagyon köszönjük a segítséget!


1. hely - Al Khatar Ibn Gamil, Aguamenti, Atilla the HUN, Béla, Big Star, Bittersweet, Cascalinus, Cascar He'Las, Cassingra, Classic Thyme, Cleveland Spirit, Comme la pére, Covered with Chocolate, Crowley del Salado, Data Wave, Da Vinci, Deadly Revenge d'Asories, Defiant Queen, Dodo Weihgand, Dot Com, Essence of Signal, Fasine, Flying Warrior, Gabana, Game of Hearts, God's Fade Bar, Gotta Nifty Gun, GW Sandocan, Hakarim de Charmain, Hathor Samba W, Honor The Ancestors, Hókipóki, Insignificant Heart SH, Insta Erma, Jagurar, Jess's Dream, Just Cadence, Karmically, Lady Leona, La Rosa, Last of Us (Anu), Leonardo, Lissabon, Lost in Space, Master Mind, Moonlight Mighty O'Dream, My Little Butterfly, Myth of Achilles's Damsel, Octagonal, Odin's Raven, Paco's Dreams, Paco's Thunder, Paul the Octopus, Pomme du Péché, Pstrategy, Romantic Saxoon, Royal Evening, Salaam de Mithology, Samba Thyme, Sandro Heat, Secret Shadow, Shadow of Moonlight, Shatalis Hakarim de Mithology, Spain Burg, Star of the Night de Mithology, Sweet Desire, Texas Red, Thyme of Asterix, Tornesch, Touchstone, Unique Damsel, Valdiviani, Van Damme, WH Double W, White Dragonfire, Xena Lichtblick de Charmain, Xtreme Thyme de Charmain, Yashova, Yes M'Lady?
2. hely - Amico, Amos des Bois, Angel' s Glory, Apocalypse Orchidea, Apple Pie, Awesome Thunder, Bahamian Danger, Bahamian Ranger, Baloutelli, Belle, Bellini Royal, Broken Prince, Caesar of Wonder, Campari, Campino, Caribic, Chicago's Rose, Classic Elegant, Dance for Me, Danger Ibn Gamil, Deathly Wild Touch, Devil's Advocate, Dixie Blue, Double Rise, Favory Citrus, Glimmers Magic Man, Going Global, Gonnabea Sweet, GW Samba Dancer, Hard Aces, Hashtag al Shaqab, Helios de Norte, High Pleasure, Jaspar of Shadow, Kolibri, Lichtblick Ibn Psyche, Lionel Richie DC, Maestoso Góliát, Maestoso Titán, Maluckyday, Miracle Island, M'lord My Thunder, Moonlight Dreams, Murphy's Law la Damsel, Northern Ibn Gamil, Northern Trial, Pantheon, Parabellum, Paradise Rain, Prayer for Relief, Proud Lion, Qrocodile, Remény, Run for the Roses y Hermoso, Russian Spirit, Salvador da Bahia, Sangría Hakarim de Charmain, Sao Paulo, Saphir Hakarim, Saturno 341, Secret Destiny de Charmain, Sex Pistol, Shalina, Shancelot, Something Express,  Sonador, Souvenir's Chubakko, Speed Comet, Speed Heart, Static Boy, Super Nova, Sweet Psycho, Tequila Sunrise, Urano de Cartigny, Violent Ride, Whatashock, Wexford Sunrise, WonderWoman, You Rang M'lord?
3. hely - American Anthem, American Dream Patriot, American Fire, Answered Prayers, Aristo de Mithology, Bahamian Twist n'Shout, Buster Moon, Calgary BSH, Call You Mine, Cascall, Classic Pyro, Coberto, Critical Prince, Dark Sun Gwyndolin, Deep Impression, Deo Volente, Diabolus Point, Diabolus 'Til the Rise, Evening Falls, Fantom de Diamant, Floofy Clown, Fuerst Magic, Grey Flanell, Gris Damsel, Goldhunter, GW Vision, Heart 'n' Soul, Heart Stealer, Hot Boy of Deep, Hot Daisy SH, Hot Evening Ghost, Imperio Rumba, Inspiressa, La Fleur, Landorf, Last of Us (Juditocska), Last White Vision, Leonidas, Liliom, Little Twist, Living the Spartan, Look My Candy, Lord Charismatic, Love Supreme, Magic Wand, Ma'ruf Sharezaan, Materiality, Minimal Design, Miracle of Nadia, Miss Arachne, Miss Shutterfly, Mitole, Netto, Nil, No Idea, Norma Ibn Gamil, Not Your Candyman, Pharao's Treasure, Pioneer of Damsel, Pyro Hakarim W, Red Lips, Rocketry, Sassy Sienna, Say My Name, Seamus Savoir, Shooting Rain, Speed It Over, Start to Sing, Sweet Gris Boy, Sweet Harmony de la Lande, The Green Arrow, Tiggy's Bounty, True Love of Damsel, Wings of Eagles, Wonder de Mithology, Woodstock, Zamarno, Zazou Top, Zijayah


1. hely - Achilles's Weak Point, Aesma Daeva, Apocalipt de Caballo, Assasin van Orti, Azalea, Bailey, Bannany, Biscuit Z, Black Elise, Black Heaven, Blue Coral, Chanel Allure, Classic Wonder, Damsel De'Vent, De Lani, Diabolus Ruler, Double Brilliant, Duchess of Cambridge, El Shiraz Scheherezade, Faberge MVL, Fly Angel in Hollywood, Gaijin de Mithology, GW Blacky Bon Jovi, Illusion's Noble, Inner Chains 341, La Bamba, Living Soul of Shade, Magic Game de Mithology, Miss Little Black Angel, Mister Little Uno, Rain Soul, Ra's al Ghul, Rhodisson, Riton Cupido, Rosary T., Sir Dublin, Sir Janeiro, Smart Irish Fortune, Venom W, War, Yuvetsi

2. hely - Ambre d'Elincourt, Amour, Antisocialist, Avalon, Azraff Nazeem, Baltimore, Biosynthesis, Black Astaroth, Blackhawk, Black Ruby, Brazen Beau, Cassiopeia, Damsel's Galaxy, Darth Vader, Democratic Prince, Demogorgon, Dusty Chester, El Shiraz Sharyar, Hoffenheim, Honor of Black Smoked Cigarette, Jatilinda, Lady Charloi, Lil Black Heart, Living of Straight, Lord of Hell, Maysteppa, Montenegro, Noble Dream, Rembrandt, Sorrento Secret, Splash Fall, Starbust Dynamite, Stay Royal, Super Speed, Sweet Magic de Champagne, Truly Smart Tribute, Undecided Name, Wonder Harley, Wynston, Xaohroa, Yasman Sonata

3. hely - Achilles's Shining Point, Achilles's Women, Air King, Aladdin y Hermoso, Armageddon, Atravan 854, Bacardi's Dream Shady, Big Samson, Black Miracle W, Black Tys'son, BrainSucker, Coriano, Corlanda Z, Cupido Love, Dancing Moss, Dark Jewel, Diabolus Damsel, Floris Returns, Fortune Cookie, Fyresdal, Gold Shines Black, Kadzakh Anchar, La Prise Memories, Magic Diamond, Menthol, Milord des Chouans, Miny the Dream, Narsill of Wonder, Olivier, Ombre, Pacific des Essarts, PN Mansion T. 749, Robillard du Roch, Solitaire Flemenco, Starting Point, Status Quo, Stay Cool, Sweet Wonder, Twisted Bandit, Wonderwall Carmen, Xander fon Dant



1. hely - Angelfire, Apophis XIV., Archangel, Best Wishes, Breezy Gum, Castella Lichtblick, Castillion, Crag Danials, Dantalino, Double U, Dougless Song, Drin-O, Feel, Fuerts Grande, Gargantua, Glock's London, Golden Essence, Jelly Bean, Juilliard d'Egalité, Just Armitage's Boy, Just Forever, Just That, Kapitány, Lichtblick Treasure de Mithology, Luxorious Z, Magic Ibn Psyche, Mystrys, Popular Monster, Red Palladin, Rhocky de Mithology, Romeo von Dicht, Sangue d'Oro, Santagero MN, Something to Remember, Sultan, Sunny, Synthesize, Tamina Therme, Too Darn Sugar, Valentino, Vasilly de lassos, Wilma de Paradise, Yankeerose, Zeppelin Ibn Saskatoon, Zeus

2. hely - Al Habib Shaghf, Aretuza, Bergelmir, Blue Cat, Burlington, Californication, Carthino, Caspien von Kapilot, Desolation of Smaug, Doctor Sleep, Dollár, Flaming Heart, Headshot H, Heaven's Star, Hickory Dock, Hidden Treasure, Houdini, Juke de L'Epinette, Justify Noise, Justify Saeros de Champagne, King of Sparta, Light Fortune, Longevity, Mad Max de Champagne, Matrix, Mind Your Biscuits, Nasheeta, Oh My Little Badger, Pallidum, Party Animal, Perfect Illusion, Plutonium, Poseidon W, Prince of Avalon, Quality Miracle, Rising Star SH, Salem Weston, Sarabi de Mithology, Soleil de Nuit, Sunset Sensation, Tequila 566, The Most Beautiful Dream, Touch the Sun, Twisted Line Mary

3. hely - Achilles de Mithology, Almsee, Al Salem Halib, Angry Armada, Carthago, Casino Royale, Dashygn, Destiny's Gift, Donegal Moon, Flash Paradise, Foxhunter Berry, Freaky Frodo, Fresco, Golden Glory, Great Dancing Sunlight, Ikonik, Incolor, Ivanow, Kodaline, Landolino, Last Man Standing, Last Sweet Kiss, Little Forest, Magic Wonder Ibn Psyche, Man of War, Monty Python, Morse Code, Oh My Sweet Runner, Paranormal Sunset d'Oro, Renueval d'Rohain, River de Mithology, Royal Aronn du Vassal, Rubico Prime, Sacred Kingdom, Satin Bordeaux, Shades of Dun It, Shaklan de Charmain, Sierra Bella, Stage Dive, Tara d'Oro, Vasili, WH Juhani Sahir, Win Willow, Without Makeup



1. hely - Assassin's Creed, Awesome Jericho, Celtic Prince, Conversano Admirális, Cocain Baron, Cordess, Crawall, Cyberpunk, Damon de Charmain, Devil's Solider, Diritta's Crystal Prince, Druid's Ember, Fortunate Countdown, Funtastic, Green Ray, Hestia de Mithology, Hot Roar Sound, Jenny of Oldstones, Kemill Hill Tinka, Kriptonite, Last Legend, Living the Legend's, Lord Tubbington, Madaket Sunset, Magnum, Mumbai, Navajo Baron MC, Nightmare 87, Pip, Pippin, PN Locking Capsule Inside, Salvio Hexia, Samba's Meridian, Shahiriasb Krystall, Solfeggietto, Spiderman, Sweet Mary, The Prince's Chance W, Valhalla, WH Decoder, White Orient, Without Shadow W, Worldwide Phenomenon

2. hely - Altygn, Amethyst de Mithology, Argentino VIII., Arya, Athos, Awesome Chester, Bavarottia C, Bitches N' Roses, Calistus Ibn Saskatoon, Caressini, Der Senaat, Elysian, Faerie Dianimo, Friendly Reminder, Great Princess, Guapo del Sol, Hard to Face Reality, HeartStealer, Hector van d'Abdijhoeve, Hero de Mithology, JigglyPuff, Kitana X, Last Crown Prince, Last Dose, Leandro, Lovely Hakarim, Ma'ruf Lueba, Nominis Brevis, Old Fashioned, Oleander, Osmunda, Platinum, PN Califa de Mithology, Rockstar's King, Rolex, Sandro Silva, Santa's Sleigh, Shadow Designer de Mithology, Sir Leam des Dauges, The Ghost is Dancing, The Queen's Attire, Whitelock, WH Just Ice Thyme

3. hely - Adelante, Ametrine de Mithology, Cast' de Top, Chenin Blanc, Cornet Castiel, Cries from Below, Dangerous Toxic, Diamond R, Drama Queen, Ecuador, Frozen Lights, Gaudanam, Girassol DR, Great Value O'Prado, GW Ice King, HighFlyer, Hit de Leopold II., Kal-El de Fly, Kharisma de Charmain, Last Melody, Last retrograde, Lovely Shadow de Mithology, Malone's Hell, Marble Pyramid, Mascot Lantern Light, Milton Freewater, Miss Crystal Clear, Mystical Princess, Nazca Lines, Night Russian Angel, Nougat 203, Paraterm VIII., Peanut Butter Jelly, PN Last Brave, Psyche Schar Hakarim, Pyramiden del Moral, River la Vie, Syzygy, Tonopah D, Tyrell de Charmain, WH Cinderella, WH Justischma



1. hely - Afra, Black Affair van R., Bob Marley, Dark Blue Warrior, Dirty Harry, Distant Melange, Dracula L'amour, Electric Boemil Fairplay, Gandalf, Ghana de Mithology, Goiana, Goldrush, Huck's Design, Immortal Toxic Poison, Indie, Jumanji, Just in Spring, King Edward, King Simba, Lafayette, Legacy of the Blue Galaxy, Let Me Be Free, Loree the Thief, Mahogany, Massimo B, Meoquanee, Mighty Shot, My Secret Crush, No Woman No Cry, Raise a Native, Rayo de Humenate, Retrospect, Rocky's Rebel, RR Electric Acid, RR Shining Sundance, RR Spook's Lone Gun, RR Stylin Legacy, Secret Magician, Solo Ride, Special Effect, Victory of Fire Serpent

2. hely - Amardeep, Chalk Outline, Chics Loaded Gun, Classic Whiplash, Cosmopolitan, Darius, Dawn of Glory, Deep Spirit, Double Dotted Dwarf, Dunte's Inferno, Emocao, Gajraj, Glittering Fluffy, Good Boi, Honor of Shine, Impulsive Asset, Jelly Belly, Let Me Impress, Lexlin's Diva L, Malachi, Nissa Ravena, PN Willem van R., Something Special, Revolution Reloaded, RR Hindoo Never Lies, RR Perfect Extreme Sporting, RR Radicalspookdoll, Satan's Whirl, Silk Whip, Stray Heart, Symbol Song, Titanium, Toxic Silver y Hermoso, Upside Down, Venus la Renta, Wild Spot, Winnie, Wish Flame, Wonder FireLights, Yukon Do It

3. hely - Alcatraz, Annagbrack Rambo, Be Like Commander, Bellatrix, Björka, Blue Spring, Charming Benz, Colorado Hans, Declarento Uno Vienna, Demetrius, Destiny Star, Donnerhit's Girl, Dream Boy, Electric Dominant Spot, Falling Blue, Freeland Fiestas, Galaxy Wibes, Golden Rain, Grand Ginger Gracie, Honor of Elegance, Idols Oceania Double Hawk, Izochor, Khlassic Blue Rhmye, Magic Time Ibn Gamil, Morticia, Phantom of the Joker, Piebald Milagros, Prayer van R., Pyro Gia de Mithology, Rhythmic Delta, RR Krymsun Radical, RR Shining Confidence, Sacra Terra, Samsara, Scuro la Rotta, Splendid Export, Whirlaway, WH Just Wonder W, Wit Blue Spots, Wonder Universe



1. hely - Bad Omen, Bandit's Golden Fire, Bodybuilder, Chance Gets Lucky, Cinnamon Roll, Coolest Guy, Crimson Strange, Garagouche Sakhan, Golden Violin, Greenwood Sunshine, Harley Davidson, Kotalan Rocker, Khal Savitar, Latest News, Linvanton Aengus, Lost Interstellar Warrior, Marvel, Melek Taus, Muradbek, Nidavellirr, Radical Rockstar, Rapunzel, Ras Alhague, Rebel Prey, Regnant Pegasus, RR Red Bull, RR Roaring Winter, San Diego, Sanjam, Satan's Promise, Shakrya, Shotta Flow, Stormy Night, Sweet Smoke Revolver, The Joy of Motion, Williams Woodstock

2. hely - Ali, Army Soul, Ballentine's, Bergamoth D'ior, Bright Golden Mist, Calabria Quinn, Chained Bull Ibn Gamil, Chicky Micky, Crazy Date, Damysus, Deutsch Vollkommenheit, Fault Line, Fly Ibn Gamil, Golden Legend, Gorgeous in Gold, GW Arian's Merlin, Hindoo Queen, Irino de la Thor, Iver, Long Island, Malawia Kiss, Mark of Cain, Pallas des Chouans, PN Blandford Double, Quickstep, Rattle Wolf's Roar, Red Frosty Moon, Rozmarin 411, RR Siege the Moon, Smart Royal, SP Blue Gaia, Sugar-nSpice, The Mad King's Daughter, Valentine, Very Blu, War Front di Etro

3. hely - Any Victory Will Do, Bal's Seziia, Crimson War, Dakota Spirit, Dark Smoky Sky, Dating, Delano, Don Siesta, Drifandi fra Skarholt, Golden Bonnie, Great Harold, GW Gummy Bear, Impacto, Infinite Universe, Katagan, Last Awesome Cleopatra, Last Awesome Lucifer, Legendary Cricket, Luminous Crystal, Midnight Magic, Mirsakhan, Morfeusz, Nasrullah, New Victory, Oxycoccos, Peach Smoothie, Scharlott's Fox, Shot de Luxe, Silver's Blanck Fault, Silver Sky, Snowflux, Soulless Hope, Sparkle Doc, Voice in the Fire, What a Wonder, Xicot II


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+ 1. helyezett nyereménye
1. hely
- 50 000 lbp
2. hely
- 30 000 lbp
3. hely
- 10 000 lbp

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