Egyes fogat
1. hely - Arrowhead, Golden Eye, Snowy Harlem
2. hely - Badumm Tss, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Thorin
3. hely - Horizon de Mithology, Silk Spring, Silver King
4. hely - Black Angel, Brego, Sister of Grace
1. hely - GW White Devil
2. hely - Thorin
1800 m
1. hely - By My Star, Obersturmführer
2. hely - Boudier, Hello from the Other Side
3. hely - One Love
4. hely - Faith
3200 m
1. hely - Double Milk
2. hely - Romolus
3. hely - Alain
4. hely - Charmagedon
1. hely - Nevada, Rambling Fire, Rotten Sparks of Moonlight
2. hely - Marschal Radioactive Targaryen, Márvány, Sesamo
3. hely - Cassanova, Robbing Sandstorm XYZ
4. hely - Check Your Bloodpressure, Proud Champion
1. hely - Lorenzo, Silver King, Thorin
2. hely - Bright Sky, Lindt De Luxe, Vegas Lights
3. hely - A Beautiful Lie, Foxhoof, Vegas De Luxe
4. hely - Bastian, Muffin
1. hely - Golden Stardust
2. hely - Obstinate Monkey
3. hely - Sir Moustache
4. hely - Carlito
1. hely - Taneleer Teevan
2. hely - GW White Devil
Cattle Penning
1. hely - Smoke on the Water
2. hely - Miss Street Flower
Barrel Racing
1. hely - Nimfa
2. hely - Smoke on the Water
3. hely - Miss Street Flower
4. hely - Twisted Wonder
1400 m
1. hely - Classic Pyro, Dwarf Boa, Kiawa Kiss, Weak Fantasy
2. hely - Faina Willingly, Tyrell de Charmain, Yasman Sonata
3. hely - Giorgio Armani, Gloryhammer, Voice in the Wind
4. hely - Al Spartacus de Mithology, Cocain Baron, Nadeem Alaa Quasim
3200 m
1. hely - After the Light, Boo, Light Brigade, Perfect Illusion
2. hely - Angrove Pilgrim, Chalsin's Breakout, Clarity Boom, Pure Soul
3. hely - Angrove Fatrascal, Perfect Kingdom, Thunder's Prince
4. hely - Beneficious da Vida, Last Legendary Rotta, Silver Fox
1. hely
- 100 000 lbp
2. hely
- 50 000 lbp
3. hely
- 25 000 lbp
4. hely
- 5 000 lbp